The National Archives and Records Service of South Africa Act (previously National Archives) 43 of 1996 intends: to provide for a National Archives ; the proper management and care of the records of governmental bodies; and the preservation and use of a national archival heritage; and to provide for matters concerned therewith.
To promote the protection of personal information processed by the public and private bodies; to introduce certain conditions so as to establish minimum requirements for the processing of personal information, to provide for the establishment of an Information Regulator to exercise certain powers and to perform certain duties and functions in terms of this Act and Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000, to provide for the issuing of codes of conduct; to provide for the rights of persons regarding unsolicited electronic communications and automated decision making; to regulate the flow of personal information across the border of the Republic; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
To give effect to the constitutional right of access to any information held by the State and any information that is held by another person and that is required for the exercise or protection of any rights; and to provide for matters connected therewith. Section 32 (1)(a) of the Constitution provides that everyone has the right of access to any information held by the State.
The Act actively promotes a society in which the people of South Africa have effective access to information to enable them to more fully exercise and protect all of their rights.
In terms of section 10(1) of the Act, Human Rights Commission must compile a manual in each of the official languages, which manual must be published by 14 August 2003 and must contain information in an easy understandable form and an exposition, as may reasonably be expected by a person who wishes to exercise a right in terms of the Act.
Further enquiries can be addressed to:
The South Africa Human Rights Commission
The Research and Documentation Centre
Postal address: Private Bag X 2700
Telephone:+27 11484 8300
Fax: +27 484 0582