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Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

Purpose of training


The purpose of training is to empower you with skills of how to identify, access, evaluate and apply information from differenct resouces in order to support your academic work.

The following databases a applicable to the Natural and Agricultural Sciences Faculty:

- SAePublication
- Credo Reference
- Sage Research Methods
- Science Direct
- Web of Science


The purpose of training is to empower you with skills of how to identify, access, evaluate and apply information from differenct resouces in order to support your academic work.

The following databases a applicable to the Natural and Agricultural Sciences Faculty:

- SAePublication
- Credo Reference
- Sage Research Methods
- Science Direct
- Web of Science

The purpose of KovsieCat is to assist users to check books, journals and other materials availability at the UFS libraries.  The KovsieCat shows the holds at all  libraries.

The University of the Free State has five libraries namely:

Sasol (Main) Library

Frik Scott Library

Music Library

Neville Alexander Library(South Campus)

TK Mopeli (Qwaqwa Library)

  • The Kovsiecat is our online catalogue where you will be able to find the books in our libraries, journal titles and e-books (with links that will take you directly to the e-book full text)
  •  There is an A-Z list of all the electronic databases we subscribe to.
  •  Sometimes there will be databases on trial for you to test and recommend.
  •  There is an A-Z list of electronic journals we have access to.
  •  There is an A-Z list of free and subscription e-books. 
  • Resources by Department are where your librarian highlights the best resources to use in your field of study.
  • There is an A-Z list of electronic reference sources to which we have access.
  •  We provide assistance with citations and research guides.
  • We provide access to UFS electronic theses and dissertations.
  • We provide access to previous exam papers, as received from the academic department

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