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Research Data Management

RDM refers to the active curation of data throughout the research life-cycle.

Data management planning

We touched on data planning in our guidelines. In this section of our RDM guide we will look at funder specific templates for DMPs and the UFS DMP online tool to help you develop a data management plan. Some funder templates are included in the UFS DMP tool, as well as a generic UFS template.

Before you start your DMP

The most common sections in any DMP are:

  • Administrative information: An outline of your research project and all parties involved, i.e. your project titleproject summaryresearcher ID, and funding agency.
  • Information about data collection and generation: Will you collect quantitative or qualitative data? What methods will you use to collect your data? Are there any community standards you will need to use?
  • Data management, documentation and curation information: How will you store and back up your data? What is your plans for long-term archiving of your data? Are there metadata standards you need to use to describe your data? 
  • Information about data security and confidentiality: Are there any legal issues pertaining to your data? Is your data sensitive? Do you need restrictions on your data? Do you need to control access to your data? Do you need ethical clearance?
  • Sharing data and Open Access: Who owns the data? Can your data be re-used and shared? How will it be shared and accessed? Under which license will you share your data? In which repository will you store your data for others to access?

For help with your DMP, contact us.

Data management resources

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