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Electronic resources

Discover our resources

Use our Discovery Service to search all our resources. With our A-Z database list or Primo VE, you have access to all our resources while on or off campus. For access, click on a database title and log in with your UFS username and password. By doing this you agree to the terms and conditions of using our electronic resources.

Unable to log in?

  • Check if you are able to log in to Blackboard with your UFS username and password. If you are able to log in, you should be able to access the electronic resources. Please check that you are using the Click Here option when logging in, and not the Alternative Login option.
  • Remember to log in with and not
  • If you are unable to log in to Blackboard, please contact ICT Services (+27 51 401 2000) to verify that your account is active/not locked.

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