Maintaining a good record of the articles that you use improves efficiency. When reading papers, reference managers allow you to make notes on and annotate PDFs without first printing them out. By using reference managers, it is no longer necessary to maintain a system of printing papers and putting them in binders. Reference managers also make it easy to share articles with collaborators, and to format in-text citations and bibliographic references while composing a manuscript. Using a reference manager, changing citation formats to fit journal submission requirements is as simple as the click of a button.
There are many referencing management tools around, such as Mendeley, Zotero, RefWorks, EndNote and CiteThisForMe. You can compare these to see which would suit you best, as the UFS does not formally support any of these tools. You can use the one that suits you best. Most of these are free, up to a point, after which payment is necessary. Usually you can get very far on the free system before you have to upgrade to the fee system.
Mendeley is a referencing software tool and also a social networking tool. Its one main function is to manage your research references, and its other main function is to bring you into contact with researchers who have similar research interests than you do. It is therefore very important that you take a few minutes to set up your profile so that it accurately portrays your research endeavors.
To get started on Mendeley you access the website and create an account. Mendeley has a desktop application (the Mendeley dashboard) which is installed on your computer or device, but it also has an internet-based part. There are many videos on the use of Mendeley.
If you save your references here it is very easy to get access to them once you start typing your research report in Word. From Word you can easily insert citations in the correct position, and all the data is included when you create your bibliography (in the referencing style prescribed to you). You can also easily change the referencing style of your research document.
There are many options for you to access the full text of the articles found in your literature review.
Why should I reference? Why is correct and meticulous referencing of my academic work important? This audiovisual clip will explain. Different departments make use of different referencing techniques, but the Vancouver technique is often used in Health Sciences.
You now need to find a journal in which to publish your article(s). There are many factors to take into account when deciding on the journal.
What is an ORCID ID?
ORCiD iD stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID.
ORCID Registration
The University of the Free State supports and advocates the use of ORCID. The UFS is now also making it possible for you to easily share your research information and keep it up to date. With your permission, we will synchronize information between RIMS and your ORCID record.
If you haven't yet registered, you can register for an ORCID iD on RIMS: