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Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences


Welcome to the Library LibGuide for the Natural and Agricultural Sciences. This LibGuide is a user-friendly subject specific tool where you can find the library services, books and databases for Natural and Agricultural Sciences in one place. You can find it at: Natural and Agricultural Sciences -UFS.

The UFS LIS offers students of the faculty opportunities to learn more about how to identify information resources to meet your teaching, learning and research needs. This is important to ensure that upon graduation you are equipped with all the attributes to become a lifelong learner.


Faculty Librarian's welcome


Dear Students – Kovsies!!

Welcome to the University of the Free State Sasol Library as the heart of the campus.  We trust that you are doing well and keeping safe. 

We offer a wide range of services that include face to face and online services.  Leisure reading. Library training, enjoying quiet and interactive learning spaces and much more.

We want to encourage you to use this NAS libguide to access the library resources to assist you in your studies. The libguide consists of links to kovsiecat and electronic databases, including e-books and journals.  You will also find links to useful videos that guide you on how to use some of these resources, as well as a link to the Main library libguide.

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