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Faculty of Theology and Religion

Welcome to the library LibGuides of the Faculty of Theology and Religion.


An important reminder/caution from your lecturer

  1. Plagiarism is a crime, therefore not allowed.
  2. Use Harvard Reference Technique
  3. Documents 12 pts with either Times New Roman or Aerial: 1.5 spacing
  4. Justify your document
  5. Cover page must include your Name, Student Number, Email, Tel Contacts, Module Code, Assignment Number, and Topic/Theme.  

General information: Do's and Dont's

General information: Yes & No

  • Yes: Start on time: don’t postpone
  • Yes: Copyright ACT: copy or scan 10% or one chapter of a book
  • NO: to Plagiarism

Turnitin for plagiarism check


Turnitin is a software that is used for checking and marking student assignments. Some courses allow you to hand in your assignments via Turnitin and for the markers to give feedback on them via Turnitin. Turnitin will also give you an "originality report" where it will tell you about how similar your writing is to other texts that can be found online and in other student assignments.

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