Rayyan is a research tool used for filtering citations from searches, and tracking decisions to include or exclude studies, with tags designating reasons for decisions and labels showing topics. Rayyan provides information on the number of records reviewed, and records excluded with reasons for inclusion and exclusion. Documenting these decisions ensures the transparency, clarity, and traceability of the selection process, and reinforces the robustness of a systematic review.
Rayyan terms of service:
Create a review
This review will then be listed under the My Reviews tab.
Upload references/articles to a review
On the right hand side of the upload screen, there are links to guides to show you how to download your references from various reference managers or databases. This means you will have already completed your searches of various databases and either saved the references in a reference manager (EndNote, Zotero, Mendely, etc.) which you would then export in order to upload into Rayyan, or you may have saved your searches as files downloaded directly from the various databases you searched (e.g. PubMed) and you can upload those files directly to Rayyan.
Once the references/articles are imported, Rayyan will automatically populate the filters on the left.
About the reviewer role
The reviewer role can allow review owners to invite reviewers with more limited permissions than Collaborators.
Permissions of the reviewer role
The Reviewer role is limited to performing the tasks required of every reviewer. They can make inclusion decisions, apply labels and reasons, and add notes to references. However, the Reviewer cannot upload references of full texts, copy, deduplicate or export references. The Reviewer cannot change review configuration settings either, such as adding Keywords for inclusion or exclusion.
Cans | Can't |
Make a decision on inclusion and exclusion | Upload new searches or full texts |
Add labels and reasons to the articles | Copy or export data |
Make notes on references | Use the deduplication feature |
Purpose of the Reviewer role
The ability to invite Reviewers assures you that once the screening process begins your review will be protected from accidental or undesirable manipulation or handling of data. Protecting user data is a sacred trust and this is just one additional way Rayyan allows you to control access to your reviews and review data.
How to invite a Reviewer
You may invite an unlimited number of Reviewers to a review. This new addition is visible under the "Invite to Review" tab.
The mobile app for reviewers
Manage collaborators in the review
Collaborators will then receive an email notification. Once they sign into their Rayyan account (using the same email that they were invited with), they can find this review listed under the Collaboration Reviews tab.
Rayyan automatically detects and resolves 100% duplicate articles from searches. Rayyan then offers duplicate resolution for statistically likely duplicates by comparing the title, author, journal and year.
Detecting duplicates
You will see the message: Duplicate detection is running, please wait. Detecting duplicates can be performed once on each unique dataset in a review. If you wish to run it again, you will have to add or delete references/articles from your review first. If you see the message: A search must be added or deleted before running duplicate detection again, this means that you have already run duplicate detection on your dataset. See the next step on how to resolve duplicates.
Once duplicate detection is finished, you will see the message: x duplicates found. You will also see the Possible Duplicates facet in the workbench on the left.
If 2 (n) duplicates are found, you can make a decision (Delete/Not a duplicate) on only 1 (n-1) and the other will be moved to be resolved automatically. This is to ensure that you do not delete them all by mistake.
Screen references/articles
You can see all of the uploaded information at the bottom of the section. It is worth noting that the Topics field will include all the keywords defined in the uploaded files, in addition to others that are added by our machine learning algorithm. This is helpful in cases where not enough keywords (or no keywords at all) are defined in the files.
You can see that the facets/boxes on the left will be updated to reflect the applied customisations.
You can also add a label or a note to any of the uploaded articles. Labels are short and filterable, while notes are usually longer and non-filterable.
The label will be shown in a blue box to the left of the article title.
Rayyan's AI-powered 5 star relevance ranking system helps reviewers accelerate their systematic reviews by learning patterns in decision criteria as reviewers make decisions and using that learning to rate the probability that an article will be included.
To use the 5 star relevance rating
The 5 star relevance ranking system helps reviewers accelerate their systematic reviews by learning patterns in decision criteria as reviewers make decisions and using that learning to rate the probability that an article will be included.
You will see the message: New ratings are being calculated while the AI engine calculates the likelihood of each article to be included in your literature review (5 stars is most likely).
Once it is finished, you will see the message: New ratings available. You'll also see star ratings, in the Ratings column at the right, ranging from zero stars - near zero likelihood of inclusion to 5 stars - very high likelihood of inclusion. All decided references by any collaborator at the time of computation won't have ratings.
Use workbench facets/filters
Facets/filters include:
Copying references or articles from one review to another
You will then see the following message:
Your articles will then be copied to the target review. Only the original information will be copied.
This guide is based on Rayyan's How-To and Help Center resources. Also see their guides on: