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AI-assisted Technology in Education

What is happening with AI at the UFS?

Future-proofing education: Upskilling the workforce to thrive amidst AI advancements is an AI event held on 14 May 2024. We hosted international speakers Dr Marilize Pretorius from the University of Antwerp in Belgium and Dr Willfred Greyling from the Waikato Institute of Technology in New Zealand. They were joined by Dr Grey Stopforth from the UFS talking about The practicalities of AI skill development in Higher Education: Are we managing or controlling this crisis?


The Interdisciplinary Centre for Digital Futures (ICDF) and Digital Scholarship Centre (DSC) have been hosting AI Sandboxes for the UFS community to help inform policy on AI usage and showcasing existing practices in AI. In collaboration with the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) an event was hosted on 29 January 2024 where feedback from the sandboxes in 2023 were given, demos of AI in education, and applications of AI by lecturers and researchers. CTL presented on identifying AI generated text in academic writing and how to assist students when they use AI for writing.

Ethics in AI remain a challenge. At the same event mentioned above, keynote speaker, Prof Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem, an expert in AI and ethics, provided some insights and advice.

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